Bomb Threats and Outstanding Debts -FEATURING GONZO REPORTER WILLIAM TETLEY When we last left off, Patrick Tomlinson was ordered to pay Quasi’s legal fees for the quash in California. He continued to deny this existed, until he admitted it in a multi part tweet. The case had been voluntarily dismissed, a big win for onaforums.net … Read more

Chapter 5: Civil War at the California Quash SmackDown

Patrick had his lawyer Brinton Resto attempt to get information from KiwiFarms and Encyclopedia Dramatica. At KiwiFarms it was mostly regarding this thread, where the content was nothing more than archives of Patrick’s own posts. KiwiFarms made it’s own motion to quash with lawyer Robert Barnes Patrick Tomlinson’s Original Complaint in Wisconsin was now visible … Read more

Chapter 4: The Idaho Comedy Fest Conspiracy

Patrick spies on Jon Del Arroz Seth finds out that Legion of Skanks, Cumtown, Revenge of the Cis and Dani Zoldan have all conspired with Onaforums The mole expressed some concerns over Patrick’s lawsuit to Seth Simons:There is still a lot of time even before the next case, but Patrick does have some serious roadblocks … Read more

Chapter 3: Dishonest Reporting and Questionable Methods

Patrick submits stolen evidence Seth calls Canyon Boykin Seth calls every Rahul Kumar in the NY area and leaves voicemails Seth begins planning for Idaho Comedy Fest While Seth continued to chase his leads, Patrick had some important questions for the mole. His first case hearing was coming up and he was concerned that someone … Read more

Chapter 2: How Fake News Becomes Fake Litigation

Seth hooks the mole up with a senior VICE journalist, and provides Patrick’s lawyers with fake doxxes The New Republic publishes Seth’s big article Patrick and Seth begin to leverage the power of a fake news story into a lawsuit Backstory: Patrick Tomlinson has been in an ongoing feud with OnAForums since September 11, 2018. … Read more